Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Random Bits and Pieces

I don't like the word snarky. I think this is an unflattering word, vastly overused by women who subscribe to the "bitchy is in so let's all embrace this shit" philosophy. I have always been bitchy. I would really just like to remain bitchy, not snarky. (P.S. Ask most women outside of major--ahem, cough, LA and NYC--metropolitan areas what snarky means and they wouldn't have a clue.)

I am currently reading a book titled Fiona Range--one of those books I bought several years back when I had the kind of cash to blow on 6-7 books at a time in the Century City Brentano's--none of which I would get around to reading for several years--and amazingly, delightfully, I actually want to keep reading it. Too bad it's in my car right now and there are cockroaches and crickets claiming the sidewalk between my apartment and my parking lot...not to mention it's late and I have no business doing anything other than going to bed as soon as I finish this very compelling blog entry.

Right now iTunes is playing "New York State of Mind." What's up next, the Sundays' "God Made Me" and No Doubt's cover of "It's My Life." (Definitely one of my top ten songs of all time, this version.)

Chardonnay is good. But not Black Swan's version...because getting the cork out of there takes more skill than one has to offer when all they're really craving is a cold goblet of white wine.

Tonight I took a friend to the bus station. Now I know how to get to Fremont Street from my apartment. It is said the Las Vegas Club has the best "21" odds in Las Vegas. Maybe I should check it out?

Hey, starting this month, paying back what I borrowed to fund my education will be costing another $40 a month. Again, maybe I should check out those odds at the Las Vegas Club?


Gabrielle said...

Hallejulah! I hate that word, too. It just sounds like you're being bitchy but you're being pretentious about being bitchy while at the same time excusing yuorself for being bitchy. IOW, it's passive-agressive and I'd rather just be aggressive, thanks all the same.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely hate that word too. Some people think it's witty and funny but it leaves me cold. If we're a bitch, be honest about it!

Amanda said...

Hell yeah!