Friday, September 28, 2007

Perez Hilton crusades to bring down Britney...or does he?

Yeah. I admit it. I read Perez Hilton. A lot. I've tried to get over this addiction (affliction?) but can't seem to break myself. Anyway, Perez wants the world to boycott Britney and judging by the thousand + reader comments, the world (at least, the world that's not slacking off at work) is now pissed at him for being so nasty and vowing to jump back on TEAM BRITNEY.

(That I'm even taking time to comment on this debacle is so embarrassing I can hardly stand it...but having just completed a novel about society's obsession with celebrity culture, I guess it makes some kind of sense.)


One of two things has to be going on here:

1. Perez really is just a spiteful pig who hopes to wield his star-quality gossip power by eventually driving one of his "favorites" to the point of no return, or,
2. Britney has actually hired a stealth team of crisis management experts to use the public's disappointment in her as a powerful tool--and actually paid Perez to talk a bunch of shit about her all the time until "the world" has grown so sick of it they are all salivating in Britney's defense.

Now the real question is...who's prettier?

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