Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I hate it when you're so exhausted all you want to do is sleep, yet you don't want to go to bed too early because what that actually means is you're going to work that much sooner. Ugh.

As I wait for agents to get back to me on Fabulous New Novel/Future Bestseller, I'm toying with the idea of doing a self-published version of the follow-up to Love Like That. My former agent wasn't too keen on it because we would have had to pitch it as a stand-alone tale and not a sequel--very difficult--not to mention that Dalton, as it turns out, has conservative (ahem, anti-liberal) political views and somehow I just don't see that "flaw" selling her as a character that most modern women could relate to. It does, however, seem a shame that her story continued and that nobody will ever read it. Surely those 10,000 women who read LLT--minus the ones who hated it--would like to know what happened to Dalton (spoiler alert!!) after she departed her life of sordid debauchery in LA and moved to D.C. to live as a respectable married woman?

I can't see there being any risk involved in this potential project. So hell, maybe I'll just do it. Beats sitting around wondering if anyone in NYC is actually reading my query letters or if they've just placed them in a stack with thousands of others awaiting a form rejection when time permits. And the way I see it, it costs a few hundred bucks to self-publish a book and the writer gets a decent percentage of each sale, so I could conceivably make that back. Especially if I ever get around to starting a promotional website. Now if only "Amanda Hill, Attorney at Law" would retire her snazzy homepage so I can claim my domain...

Now I really must be getting to bed. Night night!

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