Sunday, August 07, 2005

Today a friend e-mailed me from the Denver area and mentioned that she'd seen Love Like That in Costco with a "Bestseller" sticker on it. Uhhh...that's nice and all, but I kind of have to wonder what kind of deranged prankster thought an amusing gag would be to go around sticking "Bestseller" stickers on random paperbacks at Costco. I also have to wonder how LLT ended up in a Costco in Colorado when previously, I could not locate it at one B&N or Borders in the booming metropolis that is Las Vegas.
I know, I know. I talk about my book a lot. But that could be because every time I talk to someone, the first question out of their mouth is usually, "How's the book doing?"
Just finished reading Valley of the Dolls. An absolute classic and totally un-put-down-able as long as you're not put off by drugs, drinks, multiple sex partners and other "shocking" behaviors. Which, um, I'm not. Let's be friends.