Tuesday, September 06, 2005

According to my scale, I've gained 7 lbs. since Saturday. Which seems, you know, impossible. Especially when you consider that since Saturday, I've been visiting the gym with a dedication that surprises me. Especially when you consider that I haven't entered any eating contests in the past few days. To gain 7 lbs., doesn't that kind of mean I would have had to consume around 25,000 calories over the weekend? And to do that, wouldn't I have had to eat at least 10 large pizzas or something comparable? I didn't. I swear I didn't. At any rate (weight?) I don't think I'll be taking that scale to Las Vegas with me.

I'm currently reading Hand-Me-Down by Lee Nichols. I like it. It's cute. I'm thrilled to find that all the good word-of-mouth about this book is actually true.

Must get back to packing now. Or at least, looking at all my crap and thinking, "You know...I should really start packing that."

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