Friday, September 09, 2005

I find something charming about this big, beautiful shoe. I think I might have to buy it. And maybe the one that goes with it.

It might help if I had a job.

But at least I know people are still buying Love Like That because they are writing negative responses to it on one of the more popular chick-lit discussion boards.

Shit. I just realized it's actually going out as one of the Red Dress Ink freebies right now.

Excuse me while I go throw a penny into a fountain.

Anyway, back to the negative responses to Love Like That. Hey, it happens. I'm well aware that one woman's trash is another woman's treasure. But would like to say...

It is written in glaringly obvious detail, right on the back cover, that Dalton Moss has it going on with two men.

So when readers gripe in offense to discover that the main character is (GASP!!!) cheating on her would-be main squeeze, all I really want to know is did they even read the back cover? I mean, isn't it basically outlined there that despite being engaged, Dalton's carrying on with a whole 'nother dude?

Meet Dalton's boyfriend, Roman: charming, intellectual, worldly; he lands in L.A. just long enough to slip a two-carat diamond on her finger before flying right off again.

Now meet Dalton's other boyfriend, Jeremy: perfect in his imperfection, surly in his attraction to her and can match her beer for beer; she doesn't want to love him, but can't help herself, despite Roman...

I guess it's kind of like when I ate that Mexican Pizza today. No disclaimer on the box, but I was still fully aware that its ingredients were fatty.

The difference being, I thought the Mexican Pizza was delicious!!!

1 comment:

Gabrielle said...

Hell with 'em, Amanda. I picked up Love Like That because it had the whole 2 guys thing going on--I wanted to see how it was handled. Which, BTW, was excellent. Really looking forward to the sequel.

But if they can't even read then we all know what's left--sueing (suing? too lazy to check! yeah, I know) Coca Cola because there's sugar in their product and sugar's bad for you.

Off to eat a pound of fattening chocolate while the ctas try to scam some.