Tuesday, January 02, 2007


One of my resolutions this year is to update my blog more often. As you can tell, I haven't been much interested in it for the past few months. This could be for several reasons--among them less time blogging = more time writing--but anyway, I do plan to post more often and I know this news will bring all million+ of you faithful readers great joy.

I have many goals for 2007 (don't we all) but the most important one is to get back to loving my craft rather than viewing it as a burdensome curse that I must overcome by quickly obtaining another book contract. I used to write just for fun. Back then I never worried about all the potential problems involved in whatever I was writing (i.e., Will my agent like this? Will an editor like this? Is there a market for this? Will readers understand this?) I really want to get back to that positive, carefree mindframe. So right now I'm updating one of my more frivolous novels (but one I had the most fun writing, way back when) and planning to go by Target on the way home to stock up on candles and a new lamp. Lighting is very important--just like music and sometimes, wine.

Something I learned over the past year is that I worry so much and so often about what's going on (or not going on) with my writing that I tend to forget to enjoy all the other important things in life. So this year I intend to just relax about it and spend more time traveling and/or visiting friends and family, learning, appreciating film and keeping up with other people's literature.

Anyway, I'm supposed to be working but I'm not...so I should at least pretend to be working (for the last 1/2 hour of the workday) instead of rambling on here.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Gabrielle said...

Happy new year! I think that's a great idea, spending time with friends, etc--I know that gives me a sense of fulfillment and makes me more relaxed about my writing. Plus, you never know when someone's going to say something that you can crib ;-)